An Answer To Commercial Potentials Of Wholesale Wild Rice


Wild rice is popular around the world, particularly, in North America and Asia. Recently, wholesale wild rice has been developed to become a leading business when it holds outstanding features in terms of economy. 

A question of wholesale wild rice’s commercial potentials

Due to the name, people usually assume that wild rice is related to common rice (Oryza Sativa), but no direct relation exists between them. In fact, wild rice, whose scientific name is Zinzanica Aquatica, belongs to the grass family.

Wild rice is cultivated in lakes or streams with the best shallow depth of 1-3 feet. June and July are the time for wild rice to grow.


Wild rice

The cultivation of wild rice expands from Asia to the Great Lake regions in the U.S and Canada. In the United States, the cultivation of wild rice is in flooded fields, the same way as “real” rice, with yields of about 1.6 t/ha in Minnesota and double that in California.

Read more: An instruction on finding a reputable wholesale rice company

Wild rice is famous for its beneficial impacts on human well-being because it is nutrient-dense. The following are some amazing advantages offered by eating wild rice.

  • Rich in antioxidants: 

Wild rice’s dark hue indicates that it is high in antioxidants. An interesting fact noted here is that the antioxidant content of wild rice is 30-time more than that of white rice. This substance has positive impacts on human health when it protects cells from oxidants.

  • Weight loss

As low in calories and free of gluten, wild rice is the best choice for people who intend to lose weight. Moreover, thanks to the richness in fiber, wild rice reduces hunger and prevents people from overeating.

  • Diabetes

A rich source of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is found in wild rice. According to some researchers, ALA is good for type 2 diabetes people when it supports the body to produce insulin. Therefore, the symptoms related to diabetic nerve damage are reduced significantly. 

  • Heart health

Containing no sodium, blood pressure will be improved by eating wild rice. In addition, the level of bad cholesterol in the cardiovascular system will be sorted thanks to the fiber richness of wild rice.

Wholesale wild rice refers to wild rice sold in bulk to stores, businesses, and other wholesalers. Because of the significant increase in customer interest in this rice, business people are curious about the economic benefits offered by wholesale wild rice.


Health benefits of wild rice

An answer to wholesale wild rice’s commercial potentials

Wholesale wild rice contributes to economic development due to the following reasons.

Premium quality 

The premium quality of wholesale wild rice is contributed by the distinctive characteristics in seed quality, cultivating conditions, and processing techniques. 

Seed sources importantly contribute to the premium quality of wholesale wild rice. It requires keeping wild rice seeds moist and cool until the planting time. If the seeds are dry, their germination will not be good. 


Wild rice has a premium quality

It is a fact that wild rice is directly affected by environmental conditions, which are water level fluctuations, varying water quality, and different temperatures. For the best growth of wild rice, cultivation areas must have:

  • The depth of 1-3 feet with shallow and clear water
  • 6-inch organic soil containing calcareous materials
  • A slight water flow in the growing time
  • Less than 6-inch water level fluctuations when wild rice leaves float
  • No carp Cyprinus Carpio
  • The pH level of 6.8 – 8.8
  • <10 ppm sulfate ion concentration
  • 0.4 ppm dissolved oxygen concentration when the wild rice seeds start their germination.

The superior quality of wholesale wild rice is made from processing methods. Parching is the most used technique to dry wild rice after the harvest. People will roast wild rice in cast-iron kettles in an hour until the rice is perfectly dry. The next step is jigging to separate rice kernels and the hull. After that, the rice will be air-tossed to sort the light chaff and rice kernels.  

Read more: An overview of rice supplier – World’s best rice supplier

Small-scale production

Due to strict requirements in seed sources and growing conditions, the cultivation of wild rice is limited. Some rivers and lakes in certain regions such as the U.S.A, China, India, and Vietnam have enough standards to grow the rice.

The 1950s and 1960s may have been the pinnacle of contemporary wild rice harvesting by hand. Minnesota sold an average of 10,012 wild rice harvest licenses per year from 1957 to 1963. Unprocessed wild rice harvests averaged over 2 million pounds per year.

Nowadays, the production of cultivated wild rice has expanded when Minnesota wild rice accounts for 40% of the market. Moreover, the total annual yield of cultivated and hand-harvested wild rice in Minnesota ranges from 4 to 8 million pounds. 

California is another growing area of wild rice accounting for 50% of the market. This place still leads the cultivated wild rice industry. 

Reasonable price

Unprocessed natural wild rice has a wide range of prices. The price of one pound of uncooked wild rice has fluctuated over the last 70 years, from $0.10 in 1940 to $2.17 in 1996, equivalent to $0.75 and $13 per pound now. Therefore, 924,000 lbs of wild rice harvested in 1996 would be worth more than $12 million now. The newest wholesale price for rice will be updated on FAO. 


Wild rice has a reasonable price

Demand growth

Wild rice is a highly-requested ingredient by chefs and home cooks due to its beneficial features. This gourmet is favored in many restaurants because it possesses high quality, an attractive appearance, and a smoky and nutty combination in taste. Hence, wild rice is the top choice in various recipes. 

Wild rice is most used for home-cooked meals when customers care much more about their health. Rich nutrient content and other positive impacts on human well-being make the demand for this rice grow faster and faster.


Demand growth of wild rice from 2019 to 2027

K-Agriculture is confident to be one of the best Vietnamese exporters of rice that provides the finest product quality to customers. The factory not only provides wild rice but also supplies other high-quality rice such as Japonica, ST24, ST25, ST 21 rice, OM504 rice, OM5451 rice, and DT08 rice at reasonable prices. For further information, please visit our website at

Contact information:

WhatsApp: +84855555837 (Ms. Kris)



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    About author Camila Nguyen

    She has 13 years experience in connecting B2B customers around the world and provide best-quality agricultural products from Vietnam to them. She would love to share her knowledge about agricultural products through the blogs. You can contact her on Whatsapp via number: +84 84 4444 867 to get the free consultancy

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