White Rice: Must-Know Things About The Most Consumed Rice


White rice is probably the most familiar type of rice with family members and is almost impossible to “abstain” from the daily meal. White rice is popular because of its health benefits and making delicious dishes.

An overview of white rice

White rice is the food that almost everyone consumes every day but seemingly, we do not have an overview of white rice.

Basic information about white rice

Because the husk, bran, and germ of the grain are removed during the preparation of white rice, white rice is also known as pureed or fully polished rice. The process of milling and polishing loses many nutrients in the rice grain, so white rice limits the penetration of microorganisms and harmful insects, so it has a longer shelf life than brown rice and paddy.


White rice

Leading products of white rice

White rice comes in a wide range of varieties. Customers’ favorite rice items are listed below.

  • Long grain white rice

Some well-known lines of long grain white rice include ST rice, jasmine rice, and basmati rice. At least once, these rice varieties have been named the world’s most delectable rice. The length of long grain white rice in bulk is 8mm.


Long grain white rice

  • Medium grain white rice

Sakura rice and Vietnam Bac Huong rice are two well-known names for medium grain white rice. The average length of long grain rice and short grain rice is elongated in this variety of rice. After cooking, the grain rice has a good balance of stickiness and fluffiness.


Medium grain white rice

  • Short grain white rice

Short grain white rice has a high starch content that causes the rice grains to stay together. The sticky texture and equally expanded grains are distinctive, imparting a distinct flavor to meals like Sushi and Paella – Spanish paella.


Short grain white rice

Read more: Vietnamese white rice: Things to know about this famous type of rice

Advantages and disadvantages of white rice

Nowadays, healthy eating methods aimed at ensuring health safety as well as weight loss have become a current trend, especially among young people. In which there are many people instructing on “removing starch” by “forgoing white rice”, is this really good for the body?

Advantages of white rice

White rice is widely used in many other countries around the world. Here are some amazing health benefits of eating white rice.

  • The main benefit of white rice is that it is rich in important vitamins and minerals needed by the body. For example, iron is an essential mineral involved in red blood cell production. We must consume 18mg of iron every day, and the iron content in white rice is only 0,2 mg. Iron deficiency can cause harmful effects such as dizziness, heart palpitations.
  • White rice has skin advantages, protects Alzheimer’s disease, has diuretic and digestive properties, and boosts metabolism. Rice can improve cardiovascular health, reduce Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms, avoid persistent constipation, and regulate body temperature.
  • White rice calories is about 200 for a cup of cooked rice, about four grams of protein, 44 grams of carbohydrates, and less than one gram of fiber, according to the Department of Agriculture. That’s about the number of carbs in three slices of white bread.
  • Enriched white rice does include folate (folic acid), which is beneficial to pregnant and breastfeeding women. Folic acid aids in the production of DNA and other genetic material, as well as cell division.

Advantages of white rice

Disadvantages of white rice

Few people know that the commonly consumed white rice has some negative effects on human health.

  • Obesity is frequently associated with white rice. Despite the fact that white rice is a good source of energy, it can make you gain weight because when we eat a huge amount of white rice, that is, take in more carbohydrates than needed, the excess glucose in the blood will not be absorbed by the cells. The body can also convert this excess glucose into fat acids and keep it as fat acid in the body.
  • Because white rice has less 0.9-gram fiber than brown rice (white rice contains 0.9 grams of fiber while brown rice has 1.8 grams), it might cause constipation. White rice contains carbohydrates that, if ingested on a regular basis, might cause stomach problems.
  • Because white rice has a high glycemic index (the glycemic index of white rice is 89 while brown rice is 50), it can raise your blood sugar levels. Limiting your intake of white rice can help you maintain a healthy blood sugar level. As a result, it  best to eat less white rice, especially if you have type 2 diabetes.

Disadvantages of white rice

Differences between white rice and brown rice

Many people still believe that eating brown rice is healthier than white rice, let’s put these two most popular kind of rice into comparison!

Main features of white rice and brown rice

White rice has been milled and undergone a refining process to remove the husk, bran and germ. This can help increase the shelf life of white rice, it inadvertently loses many important nutrients, such as fiber, minerals and vitamins. In addition, this white rice is also polished to make the white rice grain brighter and more attractive.
Meanwhile, brown rice is one of the whole grains. Brown rice consists of bran fiber, rice germ and carbohydrate-rich endosperm. As a result, brown rice often contains more nutrients than white rice, including fiber, magnesium, iron, thiamine and zinc.


Main features of white rice and brown rice

Nutrition of white rice and brown rice

There are many nutrients in white rice vs brown rice but the content is somewhat different between them.

  • Fiber

The fiber in brown rice is usually 1.8 grams more than white rice (0.9 grams). In fact, fiber is a nutrient that plays an important role in the digestive system, helping to relieve constipation. Besides, it also brings certain benefits to overall health, including

  • Selenium

Compared with white rice, the amount of selenium present in brown rice is larger. This is a substance that plays an integral role in the production of thyroid hormones, helps improve immune system health, and is an antioxidant.

  • Manganese

Brown rice is a good source of this mineral (45% of the RDI), while white rice is deficient in manganese (18% of the RDI).


Nutrition of white rice and brown rice

  • Magnesium

Unlike white rice (2% of the RDI), brown rice is also rich in magnesium. The average serving of cooked brown rice (1⁄2 cup) can meet about 11% of the recommended daily magnesium intake.

  • Folate

White rice is an excellent source of folate for the body. On average, one cup of white rice contains 195-222 micrograms of folate, equivalent to half of the recommended daily requirement. Folate has a key role in making DNA and some other genetic material.

Health benefits of white rice and brown rice

If you eat more white rice, the risk of diabetes will be higher, because white rice is in the food group with a high glycemic index. Meanwhile, eating brown rice on a more regular basis will lower blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes patients, and also reduce the risk of this disease. However, in some cases, white rice is a better choice than brown rice. A low-fiber diet can slow down the digestive tract, allowing the intestines and abdomen to rest. These diets can relieve uncomfortable symptoms caused by Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and other digestive disorders.


Health benefits of white rice and brown rice

Channels to buy white rice

People are becoming more health-conscious, so not only do they have convenient places to buy rice but they also pay attention to the quality of authentic rice in the shopping malls.

  • In grocery stores and supermarkets

Because of its popularity, white rice is now exhibited and sold at every grocery store. Many different brands of high-quality white rice can be found in supermarkets. Customers should be careful, however, of phony products with similar packaging.


Buy white rice In grocery stores and supermarkets

  • Through e-commerce platforms

Because white rice is consumed all over the world, the easiest way for international clients to find white rice sellers is through e-commerce platforms. eBay, Amazon, etc are just a few of the popular platforms where white rice can be found at various rates and quality levels.


Buy white rice through e-commerce platforms

  • Through social media

Groups on Facebook or sales on Instagram are popular these days. White rice is a fundamental food that is consumed on a daily basis. As a result, users can buy white rice via social networking sites.


Buy white rice through social media

Popular white rice brands

Because more and more white rice brands with high-quality products and services are founded, white rice becomes more competitive. And here is a list of some reliable white rice brands for customers’ reference.

Read more: Wholesale rice distributors and must-know things

Bombay Market Basmati White Rice

Bombay Market Basmati White Rice is grown in the Himalayan region’s fertile soil. The cool, clear mountain air, plentiful streams, and rainfall provide ideal growth conditions for this premium Basmati rice, giving it its distinct flavor and aroma. Basmati rice is minimal in calories, fat, salt, and cholesterol, as well as having a great nutty flavor and firm texture.


Bombay Market Basmati White Rice

K-Agriculture Jasmine rice

This brand offers high-quality Vietnamese jasmine white rice. The aroma and flavor of K-Agriculture Jasmine rice are exceptional, and it is GMO and HACCP certified. K-Agriculture jasmine rice is popular and consumed by many clients, with a 25-year history of delivering the best Vietnamese agricultural products to the world.
If you are interested in K-Agriculture’s products, feel free to contact us via:
WhatsApp: +84855555694


K-Agriculture Jasmine rice

Agricole Thai Long Grain White Rice

During the milling process, the husks, bran, and germ are removed from Agricole Thai Long Grain White Rice. This type of white rice is grown in irrigated fields in Thailand’s central plain. Thailand has a high level of productivity. White rice is cultivated by farmers on a large scale every year. After cooking, this rice is non-sticky and volumized. It’s perfect for frying.


Agricole Thai Long Grain White Rice

White rice is beneficial for your health if consumed properly. Consumers should grab enough knowledge about white rice to lead a good life. We hope you found our article informative and helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below, and K-agriculture, one of the leading rice factories, will be happy to provide you with further explanations free of charge.

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    About author Camila Nguyen

    She has 13 years experience in connecting B2B customers around the world and provide best-quality agricultural products from Vietnam to them. She would love to share her knowledge about agricultural products through the blogs. You can contact her on Whatsapp via number: +84 84 4444 867 to get the free consultancy

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